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Make Room

Make Room

By Marie Gomez

It is the Advent season and the wonder and anticipation for Christmas is palpable. Even though our modern world is ready to celebrate the “25 days of Christmas”, in keeping with the spirit of instant gratification, as Catholics we have the opportunity to purify and simplify our lives to make accommodations for our beloved Savior. Advent is probably the most overlooked season in the church because of the commercialization of Christmas, yet it is so rich with it’s traditions and feasts. It is such a beautiful time to align yourself with the rhythm of the Church and institute new traditions with family and friends to kindle the faith. There are three main things I would invite you to do. 


There are so many fun feast days during the season of Advent! Such as the feasts of Saint Nicholas, Saint Lucy, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Each of these feasts have rich histories and traditions to help you celebrate with your family and friends. If you have little kids I would encourage you to look into resources such as Catholic All Year or Like Mother, Like Daughter, or Read-Aloud Revival (Advent). If you’re single, it is a perfect opportunity to throw a dinner party or brunch infused with themes of the feasts. 

Fasting and Almsgiving

Advent is a time set aside for the coming of the Christ Child. It is a time to prepare for the special abundance of grace the Lord ordains for the season of Christmas. What is it that we are lacking? Whether spiritual or physical, what are your needs and holy desires? Many people are undergoing financial troubles, maybe you need a new job to provide for your family, or an unexpected hardship requires a big payment. Many of us are caught in unwanted compulsive behaviors. Is there an addiction you want to be free of? Maybe you are unsure of the next step in your life and want clarity on God’s plan for you. Fasting and almsgiving rocket your prayers toward heaven. The Fall caused our spirit to become subject to our flesh, making it difficult for us to communicate with the Lord. Fasting quiets the Flesh so that the spirit may enter into dialogue with Christ. The Lord says, “Deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow me”

Secondly, almsgiving exchanges our earthly treasure for heavenly treasures. The Lord says, "where your treasures lie so too your heart”. Placing our treasure in the hands of the Lord is to put our hearts in his gentle hands. During Advent, the Lord may ask you through a stranger or a tug at your heart to give something, whether time, talent, or treasure to someone in need. Pray for the grace to surrender what He asks. 

Silence and Prayer

Lastly, silence and prayer. The truth is that in every present moment, Christ is coming to us, be it in the presence of your children, spouse, roommate, or mere stranger Christ in them is greeting us and calling us to communion with Him. The constant bombardment of noise and images from our screens closes the door on our dear Savior. Mary in her generosity gives her empty womb so that Christ may grow in her and be given to us. It is a wonderful time to empty our minds and hearts of frivolous distractions so Christ may work in us. We will then be prepared to give Him when we encounter others and recognize Him in everyone we meet. It is amazing all the moments I discover throughout my day by committing myself to the habit of screen silence. This habit of silence lends itself to prayer and the contemplation of heavenly things. I find having even one dedicated time of prayer provides a pillar of sanity and order in my life that I rely on. If you have yet to dedicate time to prayer now is a perfect opportunity to begin that devotion. I would also encourage you to adopt an invocation, which is a small plea to heaven for help. For example: “Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner” or “The Lord is my help and my salvation”. Whether it be a short bible verse or a small prayer, let these small practices be your lifelines throughout your day. As I have small children, I pretty much say these all day. It constantly helps re-orient me towards God and reminds me that I am not alone but that all of heaven is waiting to aid me in my daily struggles. 

All in all, I would lead you to ponder the simple yet stunning fact that Christ, Creator of the Universe and author of your life loved you so fervently that to make His love known to you He humbled Himself to be born a vulnerable infant to a family so poor that he had no shelter but a stinky barn and no cradle but a feeding trough. 

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