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The Forgotten Members of Christ

The Forgotten Members of Christ

The Mystical Body of Christ, where we are united to all our brothers and sisters who have passed and those who are to come, is a wonder to ponder. The Lord is so generous in providing us with this eternal family who can be mentors, intercessors, and friends through Him. It is a goal of mine to know the Saints and depend on these beautiful people who have finished the race. Though I am not as intimately acquainted with the saints as I would like, there are still others I often neglect entirely: those suffering yet hopeful souls in purgatory. It seems these souls are quite out of the conscience of the modern Church. Yet it is we who are their greatest help. For we, the church militant, are uniquely positioned to aid and release these suffering souls. 

For those unfamiliar, there are three, shall we say, classes of members in the Body of Christ: The Church Militant (those on earth), the Church Suffering (those in purgatory), and the Church Triumphant (the saints). Purgatory is where those who have been faithful yet not made perfect here on earth go to be purified in order to enjoy union with God. As it is written, “Nothing impure shall enter it”, (Revelation 21:27). We the Church Militant are in the throes of battle and can pray and do penance for those souls whose time of trials has passed and come to a close. 

During this month of the Holy Souls in purgatory, my sister has decided to print photographs of her family that have passed and put them on her mantle to remind her to pray for their souls. Her actions have inspired me to do the same. It is a beautiful way to remember their lives and my origins and bring my boys into our family tree and history both physically and spiritually. As our family has brought us into this life on earth we can be a part of bringing them into the fullness of life in heaven. It will be such an honor to be a part of these souls' sanctification. Not to mention, the sooner they get there the more intercessors we have gained. How good is the Lord!

I invite all of you to do the same or find your own family tradition to recall your family members who have passed and offer up prayers and penance for your beloved dead. They require our prayers as we require their sacrifices to come into this world. May God have mercy on them and bring them swiftly to His beloved embrace. 

By Marie Gomez


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